concrete stain for new air atct, tracon, parking structure, guard shack and associated structures, Las Vegas, nv

  • Scope of work included staining exposed concrete for a new ATCT, base building, guard station, site light pole bases and parking structure

  • Performed at a high-profile location under strict deadlines to ensure successful transition to new FAA facility

  • Corrected previous contractor’s sub-standard performance

ATCT hvac earthquake damage repair, napa, ca

  • Scope of work included repairs to facility Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC), controls and mechanical equipment to restore building functionality

  • Involved repairs to an ATCT that was damaged during an earthquake

  • Performed at an active airport facility adjacent to runways and other airfield locations

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guardrail installation, tooele army depot, ut

  • Scope of work required construction of a galvanized w-beam guardrail

  • Constructed in accordance with Utah Department of Transportation life-safety requirements

  • Performed at a high-security military installation