Replace Chillers at Six Buildings for the Utah Air National Guard, Salt Lake City, UT
Scope of work included removing and replacing chillers at six separate facilities. Work also involved new piping, electrical systems, control systems, gas meters, concrete pads and Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection (AT/FP) bollards
Required close coordination with military personnel to access secure facilities adjacent to an active flightline
Worked closely with design firm to accommodate revisions to facility load requirements and procure new equipment accordingly
Refurbish Computer Room Air Conditioner (CRAC) Units, Los Angeles Airport, Los Angeles, CA
·Scope of work included refurbishing two separate CRAC units, cleaning existing systems, balancing new fans and verifying proper system operations
Work occurred at the active and occupied Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) Air Traffic Control Tower (ATCT), requiring close coordination to prevent disruptions to the facility’s life- and safety-critical mission
Plumbing Retrofit for the James Hansen Federal Building, Ogden, UT
Scope of work included retrofitting plumbing fixtures on multiple floors. Work specifically included removing and replacing aerators, diaphragms and water closets
Required the installation, electrical connection and programming of new water meters, as well as interfacing new equipment the building’s advanced metering systems
Project was performed in a secure federal building and was designed to reduce water consumption and better track facility utility usage